Fering/Öömrang Musik

Nick Cave’s Hiding Songs

The boy will grow older, and over time there will be other songs – not many – ten or maybe twenty in a lifespan, that stand apart from the rest of the music he will discover. He will realise […] that not only are these songs holy or sacred, the are hiding songs – what the Aztec Indians […]

Deutsch Fering/Öömrang Musik

Läät’s ens en betj Cohen hiar

Üüs ik ferleeden weensdai apwreekent san an üüb’t telefoon a eilmeldungen sen haa, dat Donald Trump de naist präsident faan a USA woort, haa’k auerlaanjen, of ik min freundin apwreeke skal of ei. Ik soocht, hat skul nach en betj rauelk widjer sliap an de skrek iarst leeder fu. Dach üüs min freundin ferleeden freidai wreeken […]